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  • UPI Local 4100
  • UPI Retirees

Unions are happening!



Feburary15, 2025

You can help. 

We need your help. Calling all WIU employees, faculty and staff, students and alumni, Western Illinois/Macomb/Quad Cities residents!

State Senator Mike Halpin has legislation pending (SB1310) which would allow the university to access a line of credit of up to $2 million from the WIU foundation at a very low interest rate. I urge you to support this legislation. The line of credit provides a margin for WIU to address cash flow scenarios and unforeseen expenses. The legislation will be heard in the Senate Higher Education Committee on Wednesday, Feb. 19th.

Please fill out a witness slip (see link below) in favor of this legislation. While it is a short-term solution, it is a needed short-term solution. As you know, we (UPI) believe the institution needs to focus on long term changes to rebuild the institution and its culture; however, when facing immediate needs, the long-term is often left out of the conversation. The legislation would help stabilize the institution so that it can continue to refocus and change to face the challenges of higher education in the future.

You can fill out a witness slip at:


(In section two of the form, please list "self" if you do not have official authority to list an organization or business).

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Dates and Deadlines

Updated Feburary 15, 2025

Feburary 25,2025

The fight for lower cost prescription drugs is continuing in 2025 with a lobby day hosted by Citizen Action Illinois.

Please join Illinois Alliance for Retired Americans members and our other coalition partners in Springfield on Tuesday, February 25th at Noon. 

Transportation is still being coordinated. If you would like to ride a bus, please fill out the RSVP form as soon as possible. Lunch will also be provided. RSVP

March 5, 20225

The IFT, Northern Illinois Retirees Action Committee
and Drury Lane Oak Brook Terrace Presents the production...
Witness the captivating story of Carole King’s meteoric rise to stardom.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

This event is for all retirees and requires registrtion by Feburary 19, 2015 via snail mail. 

The flyer, cost and details should be in your email inbox.  Info was sent by the UPI Retirees Chapter President.

There is a cost and you can bring 3 guests. Sponsared by IFT.

IFT Resources for immigrant students and families


State Senator Mike Halpin introduces Bill for WIU QC

Feburary 15, 2025

Thank you Senator Halpin. This will help stabilize WIU's budget issues as we work towards Anew WIU. Please call your legislators and encourage them to support Senator Halpin's bill.

Latest ISU Update

Feburary 15, 2025

Valentine's Day is a day for love, and there are two things we love more than anything else: our members and fair contracts. The two go hand-in-hand because the best way to show our love for members is to get them a fair contract. As we approach our one year bargainniversary with ISU, we are planning two events to celebrate a relationship that has at times felt cordial, but also lowkey toxic.

Friday, February 21, 8:45am: Board of Trustees Meeting (bring the whole family!)

Thursday, February 27, 11:30am: Rally and march

 More details on the FB page.

United Faculty ISU FB

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